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Garage Door Tutorial: R-values

The garage door is a large fixture in a house; this makes it very susceptible to the most extreme weather. A garage door with adequate insulation helps prevent the transfer of cold breeze into your garage or

Keeping Your Garage Warm this winter

Insulate Your Garage from the Harsh Weather This might be hard to believe because it’s a neglected area in most homes, but allowing warm air escape from your garage makes a big dent in your utility bills. Apart from that, if tools are stored in the garage, the cold may damage it. As a result,… Continue reading Keeping Your Garage Warm this winter

The Importance of Garage Door Check-up

Most of the people who own garage doors do not worry about it until the door is faulty and in need of repairs. This is when they start looking around for a garage door specialist.

5 Signs that it’s Time to Replace Your Old Garage Door

People find it very easy to take garage door for granted. They are however a very important and useful part of a home. They provide curb appeal, provide utility and of course, increase the value of your property. Garage doors have sophisticated systems that allow them to work quietly in the background.

Fixing Your Garage Door Opener

Having problems with the garage door is quite an inconvenience, as if that’s not enough, it also affects your safety. It’s paramount to be certain you garage door opener is in proper working condition i.e. it opens promptly, shuts promptly and it doesn’t accidentally close. It is important

Prepare Your Garage Door For Winter

Winter is close at hand, it is therefore important to pass your garage door through this checklist before it disappoints you. The process doesn’t take time-less than 30 minutes, and it can be done using household items. Examine the battery in your remote control Depending on how much you make use of your garage door,… Continue reading Prepare Your Garage Door For Winter


Having your Garage Door Replaced? Buy a Model with Window Panels.

Garage doors that support window panels have the advantage, not only in style, but also in the way it brightens your workspace. When planning on a garage door replacement, it is advisable to go for models with window panels, if not for aesthetics but also as a safety measure. If you put out the light… Continue reading Having your Garage Door Replaced? Buy a Model with Window Panels.