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The Importance of Garage Door Check-up

Most of the people who own garage doors do not worry about it until the door is faulty and in need of repairs. This is when they start looking around for a garage door specialist.


Is Your Garage Door too Noisy?

Garage door noise

Has your door gotten noisier than normal, is it so loud that the entire neighborhood knows when you’re entering or leaving? It can be especially annoying to have a noisy garage door if your garage is close to your bedroom.

Why use a Garage Door Specialist

Solution Porte De Garage Doors Montreal Specialists

If you’ve been in your house for some time, you know a few things already. Light bulbs don’t last nearly as long as some adverts say, plumbing never fails until you need it the most, and of course, that repairing your garage door is unavoidable. No matter how good it is, one day, a spring… Continue reading Why use a Garage Door Specialist

Garage Door Myths that are Common

There are a number of myths and misconceptions associated with garage doors just like every other thing. Our favorites are some of these: The weight of the door is lifted by garage door electric opener. A maximum of ten pounds is allowed to be lifted by the residential garage door openers regardless of the style… Continue reading Garage Door Myths that are Common

How To Set The “Right” Garage Door Repair Budget

Once you understand that value should be your primary motivation for the replacement of your garage door, with price coming in second place, the next thing you need to know is how to determine exactly how much cash you will need to set aside.

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