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Little Known Facts Regarding The Garage Doors in Use Today

Little Known Facts Regarding The Garage Doors in Use Today

Garage doors have changed drastically in the past few years. Garage doors are no longer just simply a moving object which goes up and down. They improve the look of your home and also increase its value on the real estate market. They can save energy, resulting in lower utility bills, and protect your home from outdoor elements. They are unaffected by power outages and can remind you if you forget to close them. There are a variety of available garage door styles to enhance the appeal of your home, including carriage garage doors and sectional garage doors.

Here are a few little-known facts about today’s garage doors.

Style enhancement – Looking to freshen up the view of your home from the street? Simply install a new style of garage door and instantly increase your home’s curb appeal. You can choose a traditional style if you like, or go with something that is more trendy.

A selling point – Replacing old and obsolete garage doors can increase your home’s real estate price between 1% and 4%. The cost of replacement is offset in the long run by the increase in what your home will bring you.

Save energy – Garage doors now come with insulation options to increase energy efficiency during both winter and summer.

Protect from outdoor elements – Vicious storms can wreak a great deal of damage to any home. Thankfully, garage doors play a vital role in protecting your home from damage caused by high winds and other elements.

Easy of operation –Operated at the touch of a button, the newest keypad models come with fingerprint-recognition technology which provides quick and secure access to the door.

Reflection of style – There is a wide range of both contemporary and traditional doors being produced by manufacturers that were unavailable a decade ago. You can upgrade your home with the latest door models equipped with the new advanced features.

Replace the front door – The garage door is becoming the new front door in many homes. They render more security and are more convenient than ordinary doors.

Withstand power outages – Access can be gained into your home even during a power outage. The new door openers come with battery backup systems so the doors work even when there is no power.

These interesting facts about the new garage doors in use today will surely make you want to replace your existing door with a brand-new elegant version.  Please call us today for a free estimate.